Before any occasion, always check first.
The generates panchang, festival and vrat dates for most cities except those cities at higher latitudes where the sun is always visible during some part of the year. There are more than 100,000 festivals and vrats listed on this site. Each festival and vrat is listed based on location. For all cities, Daylight Savings Time (DST) has been adjusted.
A precise calculation of the planetary positions is used in all calculations, which are based on Drik Ganita. As calculations based on Surya Siddhanta do not give precise planetary positions, the site does not support panchangs based on Surya Siddhanta, except Tamil Panchangam and Bengali Panjika.
Today Panchang and Complete Daily Muhurta
The daily panchang for Today Panchang is a daily astrological update for Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karan aspects. We provide daily panchang in Hindi and English so that you can choose the language that corresponds to your preference. Providing a reliable and fast solution to users of all daily muhurta and an astrological solution with regard to today’s Panchang, we offer Daily Panchang to ensure users can get a reliable and fast resolution to their day-to-day astrology or Daily Horoscope needs. In our daily Panchangs, we provide a detailed analysis of the current day as well as a brief explanation of the five elements of the day, i.e. Vara (day), Tithi (l lunar day), Nakshatra (vedic constellations), Yoga, Karan (vedic constellations), and Tithi (day). Moreover, we include Vikram era, paksha, moon sign, sun sign, panchak information, important Hindu festivals, yatra muhurtas, Hindu month names, Rahu Kaal, and sunrise and sunset timings in our panchanga. These valuable suggestions can assist you in finding the best time to start out your activity or plan it without becoming obsessed with negative results. Today’s Panchang is available in English and Hindi and prepared by an experienced Astrologer with profound knowledge and understanding of astrology.
Vedic Astrology places a lot of importance on Hindu Panchang (Daily Panchang). As part of the Hindu religion, it is believed that you cannot perform any feast, festival, celebration, or work without consulting the panchang, since only by using the panchang can you find out what the Tithi is and what the muhurat is, so it is impossible to carry out a feast, festival, celebration, or work without consulting it. This page contains all the main elements that make up Hindu Panchangam.
As a result of the calculations of five parts of the Hindu Panchang, the Muhurat is determined based on the calculations. The purpose of this page is to provide you with everything you need to know about panchangs, including the day and month, as well as popular panchangs of different states that include Day, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana, Sunrise-Sunset, and Moonrise-Moonrise related information.
As part of the panchang column, you will also be able to find out information about the benefic and malefic timings. Furthermore, you will be able to access the online software to find out the panchang for your city. With the assistance of the online service, you will be able to find out the details regarding the Tithi, the Festival and the Muhurat of your city.

Daily Panchang: Astrology for Everyday
Traditionally, a daily panchang is an astrological analysis of the Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan, which will serve to inform you of the current astrological position with respect to Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karan. On our website, we offer a daily panchang in both Hindi and English respectively for your convenience.
We offer Daily Panchang to ensure users of all daily muhurta and an astrological solution can get a reliable and fast resolution of their day to day astrology or daily astrology needs in regard to today’s Panchang by utilizing our Daily Panchang. We offer a comprehensive daily Panchang that includes a brief explanation of how the current day will play out based on the five elements of the Vedic calendar, Vara (a day), Tithi (the moonday), Nakshatra (a constellation in Vedic culture), Yoga, Karan, and the five elements.
As well as providing information about the Vikram era, paksha, moon sign, sun sign, panchak, important Hindu festivals, yatra muhurtas, Hindu month names, Rahu Kaal, and the timing of sunrise and sunset in our panchanga, we also provide information about the paksha, moon sign, sun sign, and panchak. With the aid of these valuable suggestions, you will be able to determine when is the best time to begin your activity or plan it without becoming obsessed by the negative outcomes.
An astrological update based on Vara, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, and Karan is provided in Daily Panchang. In order to provide reliable and fast solutions to all daily muhurta users and an astrological solution with regard to today’s panchang, we offer Daily Panchang as a daily astrology solution for today’s muhurta. In our daily Panchang, we provide a detailed analysis of how the current day will unfold, along with a brief explanation of the five elements of the lunar day, the Vara (Day), the Nakshatra (Vegan constellation), the Yoga, and the Karan. Besides the Vikram era, we also provide paksha, moon signs, sun signs, panchak information, important Hindu festivals, yatra muhurtas, Hindu months, Rahu Kaals, and sunrise and sunset times. In addition to helping you plan your activity without being obsessed with negative results, these suggestions can help you find the best time to start.
It is fully prepared by an experienced Astrologer who has a profound understanding of astrology and knowledge of astrology and is able to provide you with a suitable Panchang for today, which is available in English and Hindi.
Daily Panchang: The sombreness of Panchang
In Panchang, ‘Panch’ is an abbreviation for ‘Five’ while ‘Ang’ is an abbreviation for ‘Limbs’. The Panchang method is created using five aspects of Hindu timekeeping: day of the week (vaar); tithi or lunar day; constellations or nakshatras; yoga; and karan. Using Panchang, you can learn about Rashi Phala and how the 24 zodiac signs impact your life based on several planetary movements. The casting of a Panchang involves sophisticated mathematical work involving spherical geometry and a thorough knowledge of astronomical phenomena. In practice, tabulations are done based on short-cut formulations proposed by ancient Vedic sages and scholars.
Panchang is designed for the purpose of instructing people on how to optimize the positive span of time in order to live a happy and prospering life, and what to do during the negative span of time to stay away from problems. Traditionally, Panchangs are used in the Hindu culture for planning major events and functions in a person’s life. The Panchang uses the current planetary configurations to determine the auspicious days for an individual based on the heavenly bodies’ positions in the astrological chart they have.
Additionally, the Panchang can be used to calculate the natal chart or Vedic birth chart of a person. The calculations for creating a Panchang are based on the position and movement of the planets, stars, or Nakshatras in a certain sign at a certain degree. On a particular date, these calculations determine how movements and transitions will impact a person, and how they can be done to minimise any negative effects and maximize the positive ones. For any important task, the Panchang calculates the Tithi, Vaar, YOG, Karan, and Nakshatra to determine the Muhurat or auspicious time to perform it.
Daily Panchang: The importance of Panchang
Hindus refer to Panchangs for auspicious occasions or functions that provide detailed information about a date and a particular period of time. A new business venture, career, marriage, etc. should always be undertaken at an opportune time and this can be determined by referring to Panchang.